Final Words

This article served two purposes; one was to show the performance improvement of the Athlon MP 1900+ over the Athlon MP running at 1.2GHz. The second purpose was to introduce the 760MPX chipset as a very capable workstation solution. We've already shown you how well the platform would perform as an entry-level or midrange server solution, this is just in addition to that.

But the 760MPX chipset isn't the best thing since sliced bread. It has the opportunity to fill a fairly large niche and we feel that it will succeed very well in doing this however it isn't robust enough for some of the largest applications and environments that have heavy I/O requirements. While it's highly unlikely that AMD will update the 760MPX chipset anytime soon to provide for these features, you can bet that their Hammer chipsets will enable many of the features we have talked about the 760MPX lacking.

AMD has the performance and they're quickly building a name for themselves in the server and workstation market, but there's a long road ahead before they can even begin to claim the same victories in those markets that they have in the desktop world. The stakes are much higher in these markets and it also means that the competition is even tougher; it's clear that AMD has a lot resting on a successful launch of their Hammer line of processors.

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