Testing Spectre and Meltdown: SYSMark

As we were performing this testing, the issue of Spectre and Meltdown reared its ugly head. After 40 hours of testing, we realised that the motherboard was not BIOS patched for the latest issues, and we reached out to get the latest update, and had to retest all over again.

It was around this time that Intel also reached out to us to give us the results of their own performance testing relating to the patches. The long and short of the discussions about Intel results were that the patches affected systems with older the most, and systems that had fast storage (SSD vs HDD) also took the brunt of the performance hit.

For our testing, we took the SYSMark benchmark and did a before and after comparison. We confirmed the patches were applied by using the Inspectre tool before running in patched mode. You can read our analysis of the Spectre and Meltdown issues in the following articles:

SYSMark 2014 SE

For the overall score, every processor lost some performance:


SYSMark 2014 SE: Overall Score

The biggest overall loser in real terms was the W-2155, which mixes single core performance with many threads. This is interesting - the processor with the most threads, the W-2195, did not have such a percentage dip. This might be related to how each of these processors is laid out differently: the W-2195 uses Intel's HCC 18-core die, whereas the W-2155 uses the LCC 10-core die. The HCC die has extra core-to-core latency because of the larger floorplan, which might hide some of the deficiencies here.

If we compare the percentage decrease across all of the SYSMark sub-tests:

We can see that the biggest decreases are seen in the Response sub-test, which contributes a lot to the overall score decreases. The response sub-test uses a fair amount of storage, which we know is likely to be the biggest loser from the patches. However, our overall decreases in performance range from 2.0% on the small slow core to 5.6% on the 10-core and back down to 3.5% on the largest 18-core part. The hardest hit tests were down 12%.

Benchmarking Performance: CPU Legacy Tests Conclusion: Is Intel Serious About Xeon W?
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  • HStewart - Monday, July 30, 2018 - link

    I am curious why Xeon W for same core count is typically slower than Core X - also I notice the Scalable CPU have much more functionally especially related to reliability. In essence to keep the system running 24/7. Also the Scalable CPU's also appear to have 6 channel memory instead of 4 Channel memory. I wonder when 6 channel memory comes to consumer level CPUs.

    One test that would be is to see what same core processor for Xeon W vs the Scalar CPU with only one CPU.

    Another test that could be interesting is a dual CPU scalable with say 2 12 cores verses 1 24 core of CPU on same level.

    Just test to see what it with more cores vs CPU's
  • duploxxx - Monday, July 30, 2018 - link

    one threadripper 2.0 and you can throw all intel configs here into the bin
  • tricomp - Monday, July 30, 2018 - link

  • HStewart - Monday, July 30, 2018 - link

    I wish people keep the topic to the subject and not blab about competitor products
  • duploxxx - Tuesday, July 31, 2018 - link

    if you would know anything about cpu scalable systems you would not ask these questions. a 2*12 vs 1*24 will be roughly 20% slower if your application scales cross the total core count due to in between socket communication. Even Intel provides data sheets on that. No need to test.

    as long as intel can screw consumers they will not invest anything, you wont get 6 mem lanes in xeon W or consumer unless competition does it and they get nailed. btw why on earth would you need that on a consumer platform?
  • BurntMyBacon - Tuesday, July 31, 2018 - link

    If all things are equal, then what you say is true. There is a known performance drop due to intersocket communications. However, you may have more TDP headroom (depends on the chips you are using) and mostly likely more effective cooling with two sockets allowing for higher frequencies with the same number of active cores. If the workload doesn't require an abundance of socket to socket communications, then it is conceivable that the two socket solution may have merit is such circumstances.
  • SanX - Tuesday, July 31, 2018 - link

    Why ARM is just digging its buggers watching the game where it can beat Intel ? Where are ARM server and supercomputer chips? ARM processors soon surpass Intel in transistor count. And for the same amount of transistors ARM is 50-100x cheaper then duopoly Intel/AMD. As an additional advantage for ARM these two segments will soon completely abandon Microsoft.
  • beggerking@yahoo.com - Thursday, August 2, 2018 - link

    ARM is RISC which is completely from CISC so applications and os are limited. Microsoft server os has really evolved in every aspect in the last few years that may take RISC years to catch up on the software side.
  • JoJ - Saturday, August 4, 2018 - link

    ARM is Fujitsu's choice of successor core to SPARC64+, a architecture Fujitsu invested decades of research and development and testing to offer both commercially and at a national laboratory supercomputing level. ARM is therefore not a knee jerk choice of direction for a very interesting super builder.

    Obviously you exaggerated a little bit, saying ARM is "50 - 100 times cheaper than AMD/Intel".

    I wish I could shake my belief that pedantic literalism in Internet forums in general wasn't preventing broad discussion - we exaggerate in real life without any socially degrading effects, why not online?

    OR ate your conversation parties sniffing that obviously -- any person who inadvertently speaks technically inaccurately despite forming perfectly understandable inquiry... as if they are unwashed know nothings, and turning on their heels to end the discussion.....a bit like HN's "we don't tolerate humor here" reactions to innocent attempts at lightening the thread...

    but I digress, my point here is your comment above raised a couple of interesting questions, that I feel haven't been answered only because I think readers by themselves first over react to hyperbole, then infil the accepted wisdom to answer your questions, despite you ask about pertinent value critical concerns. I feel that by supplying the answer and dismissing the comment as uninformed, the most important thing happening is the reader voluntarily self reinforcing given marketing positions, and not engaging with the subject at all. I work in advertising​and am actually studying this, because advertising buyers adore this kind of"mind share" but we think that is at odds with the advertising buyers wanting"open minded, engaging, adaptable, innovative" customers.

    1. have a look at Serve The Homes review of the Cavium ARM server generations. This architecture is definitely viable and competitive now in a increasing number of application areas.

    2. Microsoft Azure has ARM deployed in my estimation at scale second only to Baidu. I am tempted to think it's actually politics that prevents a ARM Azure server machine offering to commercial users, little else. The problem with Microsoft, is user expectation of a all round performance consistency and intel and Microsoft have been working on that smooth delivery for decades.

    3. ARM is bit cheaper if you need to do more than a quick recompile with a few architecture options selected.
    re when we will see a Azure ARM instance, I think could even be waiting for the ability for Cavium to actually deliver hardware, because unmet demand is a fatal blow to new technology, as well as successful realisation.
    All my"quality time" with our server fleet, is spent all hands on the thermal and power profiles of our applications.
    We will rewrite to gain fractions of a percentage point where it's a consistent number across runs. Since twenty five years ago, I crashed a colo cage by not considering the power on start surge of a huge half terabyte raid array, power loads obsessed me. Power usage in Cavium ARM looks like a winner for us.

    4. BUT I said that,based on data mapping dense thermal sensor arrays, with the functional code paths of the actual application logic in flight across the fleet, at the time. If we're able to calculate the cost benefit of routing a new application function to a specific server, depending on the thermal load and core behaviour at the time of dispatch, I admit we're not very typical for a small scale customer. I think small is a server count below 10,000 here, including any peak on demand usage in case you're consumer retail and sell half price Gucci shoes on Black Monday.
    (we got surprised by the reliability of gains from very crude information. Originally we just wanted to see if we could balance the flows in the hot aisle, and even throttle hotspot buildup if we lost some cooling locally. For Intel, we got lots of gains, by sending jobs to not exceed the optimal max turbo clock of a processor, and immediately filling out the slower cores with background chores. AMD and Cavium ARM are not as sophisticated about thermal management, where Intel is keen on overkill recently, eg four nigh identical Xeon Gold SKUs. Just do really read that STH review about this"redundancy of the Xeon processor parts- I came away with a purchase order for the reviewed SKU, because we're so excited about the power management system roles in production deployment, as a competitive advantage.

    5. REAL COST ADVANTAGE DEPENDS ON CHANNEL PENETRATION, WITH AMD AT 2%, yes, TWO percent is considered healthy for them today, AMD need to be shipping in far greater volume, to move the money dial to realise the kind of cost advantage SanX is excited about.
    Certification of countless applications is hardly begun...
    I want to use a ARM workstation, to eat my dog food. This necessitates nvidia Quadro cards support. Yes, I write for a living. I target CUDA for a ever increasing proportion of customer needs. SURE I can just remote machines at will. BUT IF YOU DON'T GIVE CRITICAL DEVELOPERS TRULY GREAT HARDWARE, YOU'RE ABANDONING THE PLATFORM FOR ANY IDEA OF GENERAL DEPLOYMENT.

    6. Probably the last sentence should have been standalone here.
    I'll just say that we need a workstation as cool as the Silicon Graphics Indy of'93, to get a chance of getting a new GENERAL purpose platform in the mainstream soon.

    7. I am constantly a both astounded by the simple fact that we have a chip that good to compete at all, yet scared because I am starting to wonder if we'll ever see sales above"bargaining power level" and platform insurance, and the niche market for companies able to extract whole value chains from controling their entire software ecosystem, something almost nobody in the real world can do.
  • JoJ - Saturday, August 4, 2018 - link

    typo, mea,

    in point 3, I mean to say, "ARM is NOT cheaper, if you need to do more than a quick recompile.."

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